Have you ever wondered how you would react if you tasted the best thing yet? Try this recipe.
After a long night of wrestling and pillow fights I served it to my nephews for breakfast and they loved it... even willing to share a jar!
It's rich. It's creamy. It's packed with vitamins and can make you smile with just one sip. The mango not only adds decadence to this snack but it also aids with concentration, memory, digestion and is high in iron.
Bananas help reduce stress and are a great energy booster. What a tag team!

1 large Mango (sliced)
2 large Bananas
3/4 cup of Milk of your choice
1 heaped tablespoon of Chia seeds
Start with the milk. Then add the mango, bananas and chia seeds.
Blend the ingredients on high for 15 seconds then blend on low speed until smooth.
Don't worry if the chia seeds aren't completely crushed.
Cheers to a happy & healthy 2021!